FASS SALLI air purification and decontamination machines flow 500 cubic feet per minute of air (14.1 cm/m). The machines use FailSafe’s patented purification process and can help convert a room or vehicle to a negative, positive or a re-circulating environment.

These are compact, portable devices designed for small spaces. The FASS SALLI is ideal for smaller applications, including:

  • Sanitization of vehicles (ambulances, and emergency response vehicles)
  • Control of virus transmission to healthy employees during infectious patient transport
  • Decontamination of single-bed patient rooms
  • New buildings or remodeling sites where glues, or off-gassing present a concern
  • Remediation of hotel lobbies or other small rooms
  • Sanitization of small client-service venues and public areas (including restaurants, bars, and retail environments)

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